

2023年03月28日-31日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
众智科技(股票代码:301361)始建于1998年,主要从事内燃发电机组自动控制系统、低压配电自动控制系统等相关自动化产品的研发、生产、销售和服务;近年来陆续推出BMS、EMS等新能源微电网控制相关产品。公司产品广泛应用于军工、矿山石油开采、数据中心、船舶、智能大厦、银行、医院、电信、基建、工程机械等领域。 我们拥有近300名员工,业务范围遍布全球,有超过30%的员工致力于研发工作,负责探索全新的智能化方案来提升全球行业设备的整体性能。 作为中国的行业隐形冠军,自成立以来,每年都会在产品研发、智能制造和标准试验室方面投入大量资金,以保持公司在国际市场中的领先地位。
Founded in 1998, SmartGen (stock code: 301361) is mainly engaged in the research and development, production, sales and service of automatic control system of internal combustion gensets, low-voltage distribution automatic control system and other related automation products. In recent years, we have launched BMS, EMS and other new energy micro-grid control-related products. The company's products are widely used in military industry, mining and oil exploitation, data centers, ships, intelligent buildings, banks, hospitals, telecommunications, infrastructure, construction machinery and other fields.    Since the early 1990s, two series of products have been successfully developed and applied: diesel generator set automatic control series and dual power supply automatic switching series. The products have been matched with many enterprises and have been widely used in the fields of national defense, telecommunications, electric power, transportation, water conservancy, petroleum, and intelligent buildings.     Diesel generator set automation has gone through the relay era, time-based circuit era, PLC automatic monitoring era, and has developed to the current era of professional modules based on single-chip microprocessors as the core. The company's three generations of technicians have accu
Contact information
  • 地址: 河南省郑州市高新技术开发区雪梅街28号
  • Address: No.28 Xuemei Street, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
  • 电话/TEL: 86-371-67988888
  • 传真/FAX: 86-371-67992952
  • 邮箱/E-mail: sales@smartgen.cn
  • 官网/Web: www.smartgen.com.cn
Company products