

2023年03月28日-31日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
上海合和实业有限公司是船用水冷空调的制造商,科技领先,畅销全球,品种齐全,批量生产! HOPEWELL空调成立于1995年,是一家主营船用空调、风机盘管,冷凝器,直流空调,变频空调,冷水机组等制冷设备及相关空调配件制造,销售和售后服务的生产型高新技术型企业!DC船用空调、变频空调机组,直接蒸发式水冷空调、独立式游艇空调、压缩冷凝机组、变频冷水机组、模块式冷水机组,中央水冷空调,落地式水冷空调,卧式侧出盘管机,四出风天花机,水冷柜机,水环机,商用水冷空调,空调制冷设备与冷水机组、多种国际知名品牌均来自于HOPEWELL工厂制造。 合和公司成立以来,在公司集团总裁、总经理和所有员工坚持不懈的共同努力下,紧紧围绕“专业化,技术领先为核心的发展战略,辅助以“品质引领市场,服务创造价值”的发展理念,不断促进企业发展壮大,本着“顾客至上、质量第一、诚信为本”的经营理念,以客户需求为导向不断赢得市场,把握发展机遇,使企业在竞争异常激烈的市场中连续多年保持稳步健康发展,走出了一条产品专业化、服务高效化、发货快捷化的道路,形成了完善的销售和售后服务体系。目前在上海、北京、广州、南京、武汉、珠海、厦门、三亚等地HOPEWELL空调已经服务了数以万计的用户,我们坚持给顾客提供最优质的产品和服务。 公司承诺将会一如既往的本着“诚信、优质、始终如一”的原则,给我们的新老客户带来更加专业和优质的服务。完善的售后服务体系遍布全国各大、中城市乃至整个亚洲,批量化生产线、强大的售后服务队伍、精湛的保养和维修技术为客户提供强有力的信心保证。 “顾客至上、质量第一、诚信为本”是我们坚持追求不懈的经营理念。公司从成立的第一天起,就严格遵守这样的承诺,在售前、售后都为客户提供满意的服务。我们相信:客户的利益就是我们的利益,客户的满意就是我们不懈追求的目标。  HOPEWELL空调 垂询热线:4006331123我们竭诚为您服务!
Shanghai Hopewell Industrial CO., Ltd., was established in 1995. it is a manufacturer specialized in designing and producing air conditioners & refrigerating equipment, including Marine air conditioning units, Industrial air conditioning units, Water chillers, Air handling units, and air conditioners for special use. With the development of new technology, Hopewell Company is engaged to provide eco-friendly and energy-saving products. To protect the atmosphere, we widely use CFC-free eco-friendly refrigerants in our products. To get higher efficiency, we use famous Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Copland, and Daikin compressors, and inverter technology in our products, to reduce energy consumption. Hopewell Company chooses several key manufacturers as our supplier partners, who all play important roles in some products. All of them hold ISO9001 and ISO14000 management system certificates and strict quality control programs and are suitable for long-term cooperation. All our products exported to Europe hold TUV CE and RoHS certificates. With 20 years of experience in sales of air conditioning products, Hopewell company holds a skilled sales and technician team to serve our customers. Meanwhile, our products earn a good reputation world widely because of reliable quality and reasonable prices. You are warmly welcome to join our customer family, and share Hopewell's happiness with us. web: www.hopewellcn.com TEL:+86 13701895486 Email: hehebiz@126.com
Contact information
  • 地址: 上海市奉贤区金钱公路4845号
  • Address: No. 4845, Fengxian Road, Shanghai
  • 电话/TEL: +8618916134366
  • 传真/FAX: 4006331123
  • 邮箱/E-mail: hehebiz@126.com
  • 官网/Web: www.hopewellcn.com
Company products