

2023年03月28日-31日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
福州瀚海船艇科技有限公司成立于2011年,旗下有瀚海游艇(福州)有限公司、福建瀚海体育发展有限公司、福建瀚海玩家网络科技有限公司、平潭瀚海体育俱乐部管理有限公司四家全资子公司,并于2019年1月成立“瀚海旅游船舶研究中心”。公司业务涉及水上项目产品规划、水上产品研发、水上产品销售、水上运动赛事运营、水上运动俱乐部以及水上旅游推广等业务。公司曾为近百家旅游景区、体育小镇、水上公园提供产品供应及服务。   瀚海游艇致力于打造“水上运动+旅游”特色品牌,为水上公园、水上项目提供一站式解决方案。公司在2019年创立了瀚海VASTOCEAN船艇品牌及MONSTER公园升级电动艇品牌,主要针对水上旅游景区新型船艇的研发设计与生产销售。产品联合国内外优秀的船舶设计师,根据中国水上旅游的特点,以时尚、安全、舒适、专业、科技、环保为设计理念,陆续自主研发近10款特色旅游船型。公司愿景:以装备升级带动业态发展,促进地方文旅创新,引领景区的消费体验,并加快水上旅游船艇产业的升级迭代。       瀚海游艇(福州)有限公司,
Vast Ocean Yacht, focusing on building a brand featuring water sports and tourism, provides complete solutions for water parks and projects concerning aquatic sports. It created two brands, VASTOCEAN and MONSTER (electric boats) in 2019. Boats of these two brands are developed , designed, produced and sold to scenic areas of water sports. Cooperated with excellent naval architects at home and abroad, with a shared spirit of fashion, safety, comfort, profession, technology, and environmental-friendly, it has independently developed around 10 models of special tourist boats on the basis of the characteristics of water tourism in China. Our vision: Upgrade equipment to propel the development of business forms, to stimulate local innovation of cultural tourism, to shape consumer experience in scenic areas, and to speed up the improvement of tourist boat industry. Link: Fuzhou Vast Ocean Investment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2011, wholly owning four subsidiaries: Vast Ocean Yacht (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd., Fujian Vast Ocean Sport Development Co., Ltd., Fujian the Player of Ocean Network Co., Ltd. and Pingtan Vast Ocean Sport Club Co., Ltd., and the Vast Ocean Tourist Boat Research Center joined the
Contact information
  • 地址: 福州市仓山区福湾斗门海峡奥体中心主体育馆Z1-8瀚海游艇
  • Address: FUJIAN FUZHOU CANGSHAN area Haixia Olympic Sports Center Z1-8 Vastocean Yacht
  • 电话/TEL: 86-0591-83430078
  • 传真/FAX: 86-0591-83430078
  • 邮箱/E-mail: vastoceanstar@126.com
  • 官网/Web: www.vastoceanyacht.com
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