经过多年的不断探索与拓展,目前公司与作为全球销量第一的游艇生产商Tracker集团有着密切的合作关系。经营旗下Tracker Boats,Nitro,Sun Tracker,Tahoe和Mako等多个国际知名品牌游艇。其次公司与美国水星(Mercury)在华的一级代理商——无锡锡穗船用发动机有限公司联系紧密,可为您提供高品质的船用发动机配备,更可派出技术精良的专业维修队伍,完善售后服务,免除您的一切后顾之忧。同时,公司与国内多个大型游艇俱乐部,网络论坛等相互协作,可随时向全国各地的客户提供最新的游艇产品资讯及咨询服务。
Wuxi Globalnetwork International Trade Co., Ltd. was established in 2003, located in Wuxi city. Globalnetwork specializing in the sales and promotion of all kinds of yacht in the Chinese market.
After years of continuous exploration and expansion, the company currently has a close cooperation relationship with Tracker Group, as the world's largest sales yacht manufacturer. Operating its Tracker Boats, Nitro, Sun Tracker, Tahoe and Mako and other international famous brands, Bass Boat. The company has close contact with Mercury (Mercury) Wuxi XSMarine Engine Co., LTD., the first class agent of American Mercury in China, which can provide you with high quality Marine Engine equipment, and can send a professional maintenance team with excellent technology, improve after-sales service, and avoid all your worries at home.
At the same time, the company cooperates with a number of domestic large yacht clubs, and can provide the latest yacht product information and consulting services to customers all over the country.
- 地址: 无锡市惠山区盛岸西路528号
- Address: No.528, Shengan West Road, Wuxi, China
- 电话/TEL: 86-510-82794408
- 传真/FAX: 86-510-85435589
- 邮箱/E-mail: http://www.globalnetworkboats.com
- 官网/Web: http://www.xsmarine.cn