恒仁柚木精备专注经营缅甸柚木开发,是定制家居柚木及游艇板配套的服务商, 从90年代初期便在中缅边境的云南瑞丽建立柚木加工厂和大型仓储中心,年复一年储备优等柚木原材。恒仁拥有从缅甸进口的第一手柚木原材料来源,与同行业相比具有优先选材的优势。恒仁的业务领域包括柚木户外配件、地板坯料、家具精备料以及高端定制。
云南瑞丽的高原光照及湿度非常适合柚木的晾晒和养生, 恒仁在瑞丽生产基地完成柚木的原木加工、板材的干燥养生、规格料的精准加工。
Hengren Teak specializes in the development of Burmese teak. It is a service provider for custom furniture, teak and yacht board. Since the early 1990s, Hengren Teak has set up a teak processing plant and a large storage center in Ruili, on the border with China, stockpiling superior teak raw materials years and years. Hengren has imported from Myanmar first-hand source of raw materials teak, which means priority in the selection of materials compared with the industry.
Hengren’s business areas include teak outdoor accessories, floor blanks, furniture stock and high-end customization.
The Sunshine and humidity of Yunnan Ruili Plateau are very suitable for drying and curing teak trees. Hengren has completed the processing of teak logs, the drying of panels, and the precision processing of specifications at its production base in Ruili.
Hengren insists that all materials are selected log essence, never use edge leather, defective materials. The utilization rate of teak concentrate prepared by hengren reached 95% . Hengren has a teak health technology patent. After our professional treatment of teak wood, the materials' quality are of high stability and display clear and beautiful texture , which makes them the best choice of high-end customized selection.
- 地址: 中国(云南)自由贸易试验区德宏片区瑞丽市团结路159号二楼201号
- Address: Ruili Hengren Trading Co.,Ltd.
- 电话/TEL: 13987023702
- 传真/FAX: 3130737677@qq.com
- 邮箱/E-mail: 3130737677@qq.com
- 官网/Web: none