

2023年03月28日-31日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
山东威西特斯航空科技有限公司是采用全球领先的充气技术INFLATEX充抽气系统,并运用到多个领域的行业领头者。 这种全新的充气技术可以实现帐篷、船等户外用品的快速充气、抽气,是一种革命性的技术创新,为用户带来前所未有的使用体验。 在解决充气方式的同时,还通过升级气泵材料等方法解决了户外用品重量大的问题。 经过多年研究与发展,现已将INFLATEX充抽气系统技术运用在帐篷、背包艇、冲锋舟、救援帐篷等多个产品中。其中船艇类户外产品搭载着公司专利气室阀门,使多气室产品充抽气时更安全、高效与快捷。 本公司自主研发的“INFLATEX充抽气系统”与“气室阀门”现已获得RoHS、FC、CE、PCT、实用新型专利等十余项证书。
Shandong Weixites Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. is an industry leader in applying the world's leading inflation technology INFLATEX inflation and extraction system to many fields. This new inflation technology can realize the rapid inflation and extraction of outdoor products such as tents and boats. It is a revolutionary technological innovation and brings unprecedented user experience. At the same time, the problem of heavy outdoor supplies was solved by upgrading the air pump materials. After years of research and development, the INFLATEX gas filling and extraction system technology has been applied to many products such as tents, backpack boats, stormboats, rescue tents, etc. Among them, boat outdoor products are equipped with the company's patented air chamber valve, which makes the multi-chamber products safer, more efficient and faster when filling and pumping. The "INFLATEX filling and extraction system" and "air chamber valve" independently developed by the company have obtained more than ten certificates such as RoHS, FC, CE, PCT and utility model patents.
Contact information
  • 地址: 山东省济南市高新区航天大道3599号
  • Address: No. 3599, Aerospace Avenue, High-tech Zone, Jinan, Shandong Province
  • 电话/TEL: 18660791177
  • 传真/FAX:
  • 邮箱/E-mail: shimadon@163.com
  • 官网/Web: www.vci-tex.com
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