

2023年03月28日-31日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
上海滴水船时水上俱乐部,坐落于上海浦东新区滴水湖边的春花秋色鸥鹭滨水公园,面朝休闲野奢的滴水湖一号营地,面积1.5万平方米;坐拥最美河道春涟河,全长10公里,途径航海博物馆、天文馆、东海边等著名景点。 “水上+”的综合业态涵盖帆船、桨板、桨板瑜伽、皮划艇、龙舟等水上项目。其中帆船的青少年与成人培训,由世界帆船冠军亲自执教,传递冠军精神与金牌格局;桨板瑜伽、水上疗愈等主题活动为上海首创,并由上海首位国家级桨板瑜伽教练执教;结合卓越的自然条件和丰富的配套资源,这里更是众多公司的团建打卡胜地。 俱乐部的创始人是世界帆船冠军张东霜,曾荣获16次世界冠军、32次全国冠军,同时她也是世界最新水翼帆船WASZP品牌的中国大使。
D' Boating Club is located in the Camp No.1 of Dishui Lake, Round Lake South 2nd Road, Pudong New Dist, Shanghai, covering an area of 15,000 square meters. We are also adjacent to the Spring River, a total length of 10 kilometers, flowing through the Maritime Museum, the Planetarium, the East China Sea Coast and other famous scenic spots. The founder of the club is Dongshuang Zhang, a Chinese World Champion Sailor, who won world champion for 16 times representing of China and national champion for more than 30 times. She is also the Chinese Ambassador of WASZP, the world's newest hydrofoil solo sailing boat. Our comprehensive format of "On-Water X" covers Sailing, Stand Up Paddle, SUP Yoga, Kayaking, Dragon Boat and other water sports. Among them, the youth and adult training of Sailing is coached by the world sailing champion, to deliver the champion spirit and gold medal pattern. On the other side, SUP Yoga, on-water therapy and other themed activities are ingenious in Shanghai, and are taught by the first national SUP Yoga coach in Shanghai. In addition, combined with the excellent natural conditions and rich supporting resources, D’ Boating Club is also a great resort for companies to have team build. D has lots of meaning, like Dishui Lake, Dongshuang’s name, and also different. Wish you could see a different world by water sports, and could also live a different life because of D’ Boating Club.
Contact information
  • 地址: 上海市浦东新区滴水湖环湖南二路春花秋色公园一号营地
  • Address: Camp No.1 of Dishui Lake, Round Lake South 2nd Road, Pudong New Dist, Shanghai, China.
  • 电话/TEL: +86 17854268908
  • 传真/FAX: +86 17854268908
  • 邮箱/E-mail: dboatingclub@gmail.com
  • 官网/Web: 滴水船时Club(公众号)
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