

2024年3月26日-3月29日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
山东航宇游艇发展有限公司成立于2014年3月,是一家集游艇设计、制造、休闲商务、娱乐旅游于一体的综合性新兴企业。为中国游艇协会理事单位、山东省船舶工业行业会员单位,山东省内河游艇制造“白名单”企业,拥有“济宁市内河船艇工程研发中心”。公司注册资金2000万元,占地面积55000平方米,岸线长度400米,游艇泊位100个,现有员工120人,其中工程技术人员42人,技术力量雄厚,设备先进,为公司的长远发展、跨越发展奠定了坚实的基础。 公司实行精细化管理,集约化生产,产品采用三维软件设计,智能化控制,数字化制造。公司主要产品有:38-78英尺增强复合材料豪华游艇及帆船、槽道式三体豪华游艇、500客位以下钢玻合体旅游客船、铝合金豪华游艇等船艇,年生产规模100艘。现有市场主要在山东、江苏、安徽、上海、浙江、福建等沿江、沿海多个省市及海外市场。已相继在上海国际游艇展、青岛国际船艇展、大连国际游艇展中成功亮相,并出口韩国及东南亚国家,获得了广大客户一致青睐。 公司在同行率先获得中国船级社颁发的ISO9001国际质量管理体系证书和ISO14001国际环保管理体系证书及OHSMS18001职工安全卫生管理体系认证。公司所建造的船艇质量达到ISO-9000质量管理体系认证标准以及国内CCS和ZC船检认证,在中国游艇行业、亚洲市场具有较高的知名度和美誉度。在国家发展海洋经济的战略背景下,抓住发展机遇适时提出了新概念旅游度假村,海洋旅游开发新理念。制定做大做强船艇产业,并延伸游艇下游产业链,进入旅游业的发展战略规划。着力打造以游艇制造业与海洋、内河旅游业良性互动的新格局,实现企业跨越式发展。
Shandong Hangyu Yacht Development Co., Ltd. was established in March 2014. It is a comprehensive emerging enterprise integrating yacht design, manufacturing, leisure business, and entertainment tourism. It is a director unit of China Yachting Association, a member unit of Shandong Province shipbuilding industry, a "white list" enterprise of inland yacht manufacturing in Shandong Province, and has "Jining City Inland Boat Engineering Research and Development Center". The company has a registered capital of 20 million yuan, covers an area of ​​55,000 square meters, has a coastline length of 400 meters, 100 yacht berths, and has 120 employees, including 42 engineers and technicians. Strong technical force and advanced equipment are for the company's long-term development. , Leaping development has laid a solid foundation. The company implements refined management and intensive production. The products adopt three-dimensional software design, intelligent control and digital manufacturing. The company's main products are: 38-78 feet reinforced composite material luxury yachts and sailboats, channel-type trimaran luxury yachts, steel-glass integrated tourist boats with less than 500 passengers, aluminum alloy luxury yachts and other boats, with an annual production scale of 100 boats. The existing markets are mainly in Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces and cities along the river and coastal areas and overseas markets. It has successfully appeared in Shanghai International Boat Show, Qingdao International Boat Show and Dalian International Boat Show, and exported to South Korea and Southeast Asian countries, winning the unanimous favor of customers. The company took the lead in obtaining ISO9001 international quality management system certificate, ISO14001 international environmental protection management system certificate and OHSMS18001 employee safety and health management system certificate issued by China Classification Society
Contact information
  • 地址: 山东省济宁市微山县韩庄镇船舶工业园区
  • Address: Shandong Province Jining city, Weishan County Hanzhuang town ship industrial park
  • 电话/TEL: +86 18353135634
  • 传真/FAX:
  • 邮箱/E-mail: hangyuyouting@163.com
  • 官网/Web: https://www.chinahyct.com/
Company products