

2024年3月26日-3月29日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
轩宇”,广博深远,包罗万象;“车鼎”,全球汽车电子高新诊断技术,先进维修设备仪器之集大成者。 深圳市轩宇车鼎科技有限公司成立于2015年,专注于汽车后市场智能诊断设备的研发、生产、销售及服务,业务覆盖国内外市场,是专业的汽车电子和智能设备供应商。轩宇车鼎坚持自主研发和创新,拥有多国商标,获得了FCC、CE认证,是一家拥有自主知识产权的国家高新技术企业。在拼搏进取,强大务实轩宇人的共同努力下荣获“锁匠十佳”、“20佳”维修工具优秀产品、10佳汽保产品等硕果,并拥有了众多专利技术,使“OBDSTAR”迈入汽车后市场全球品牌的行列。 技术创新引领发展。轩宇车鼎高度重视研发与创新,注重人才培养,不断加大研发投入,研发人员占比75%以上。经过多年的努力,公司积累了丰富的研发制造经验,打造了一支行业经验丰富、创新能力强的研发团队,并建立了完善的管理机制和质量保障体系,坚持以技术创新打造竞争优势,聚焦用户需求,实现互利互惠,合作共赢! 在科技飞速发展的今天,轩宇车鼎坚持以客户为本,追求卓越的企业文化,在创新的商业运营模式和广大客户的支持下,轩宇车鼎将以优质的产品,核心的技术和专业的服务提升企业核心竞争力,为汽车维修服务行业奉献光热,为打造世界知名品牌而奋斗。
OBDSTAR Technology Co., Ltd is a professional high-tech enterprise engaged in R&D, production and marketing of the automobile, motorcycle and marine (jetski, outboard, inboard, generator) electronic equipment, including IMMO, cluster recalibration, diagnosis, ecu clone, airbag reset, oil service reset and testing tools. OBDSTAR persists on technological innovation with self-owned intellectual property, factory and technology team. Taking mission of high-quality products, technology and service for automobile & motorcycle & marine aftermarket field. OBDSTAR employs large quantity of rich experienced engineers who are especially concentrated on developing automotive electronic diagnostic equipments. In addition, OBDSTAR has excellent after-service team who provides instant technology support and remarks kinds of feedback from customers and make efforts to cooperate with our engineers of R&D to develop latest automotive device. Since its establishment, OBDSTAR has achieved great success: X-100PRO, X300M, Key Master, Key Master 5, Odo Master, Key Master DP Plus in car IMMO and cluster recalibration, MS80, MS70, MS50 in motorcycle & marine diagnosis, especially earned great reputation at home and over abroad. More information, please follow OBDSTAR official Youtube/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram accounts.
Contact information
  • 地址: 宝安区石岩街道罗租社区海谷科技大厦T1栋19楼
  • Address: 19th floor, Building T1, Hi Park, Luozu Community, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518108, P.R.China
  • 电话/TEL: 13538204170
  • 传真/FAX:
  • 邮箱/E-mail: user@obdstar.com
  • 官网/Web: http://www.obdstar.com.cn/
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