

2024年3月26日-3月29日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
飞阳联合,于1993年成立于广州。经过二十多年的成长,公司已经从最初的广告材料供应商,发展为数码喷印解决方案供应商。 公司在发展过程当中,一直坚持以创新谋出路,以质量求生存,以服务赢信任!如今,公司的销售及服务网络遍布全球,产品在业界享有极高的美誉度和知名度。公司一边致力于与国际知名企业合作,以强强联合的形式,为客户寻找最佳解决方案;同时,与客户结成利益共同体,与客户共同成长。 2001年之前,昂贵的喷印设备,为喷印行业树立了极高的进入门槛,阻碍了喷印市场的发展。"极限"FY-6180小幅面户外喷绘机的适时推出, 大大降低了喷印行业的进入门槛,直接促进了喷印行业的蓬勃发展,并引领户外喷绘机全面进入"中国制造"的时代。 2005年前后,国内的大喷机市场,雨后春笋般冒出了诸多品牌。飞阳联合开始与日本精工SPT结成战略同盟,研发并生产高精度户外喷绘机。再次引领中国的喷印市场,进入"高精度"时代。过去几年,公司先后在纺织印花、室内装饰装潢、瓷砖、建材等不同的应用领域,投入巨资,陆续推出相应的数码喷印产品,在为传统印刷提供补充的同时,又一次引领数码喷印进入"广阔应用领域"的时代。 数码喷印技术经过多年发展,已展现出强大的优势,并蕴含着巨大的发展潜力和市场前景。在这个绚丽缤纷的世界里,数码喷印,作为传递色彩,传递美感的媒介与工具,必有其用武之地。更环保的耗材与墨水、更快速度、更高精度的喷印设备,是我们正在努力的方向! 未来是纯净的,未来是绿色的,未来是充满希望的!飞阳联合,愿与每一位合作伙伴,市场同仁,共创美好未来
Founded in 1993 in Guangzhou, Fei Yeung Union has developed from an advertising materials supplier into a digital inkjet printing solutions supplier in the past over 20 years. Now,with our sales and service networks established all over the world, Fei Yeung Union has received high esteem in the signs industry. Fei Yeung, in colse collaboration with other international companies, is committed to bringing the best solutions for customers. In 2001, the release of INFINIYI FY-6180, small format solvent printer, greatly lowered the entry theshold for the inkjet printing industry anddirectly promoted its vigorous development, leading solvent printer into the era of Made in China. Around 2005, Fei Yeung Union started to work with SII Printek Inc (SPT) to develop and manufacture high resoution solvent printer, leading China inkjet printing market into high resolution era. In the past few years, Fei Yeung Union put huge investment into textile, interior decoration,ceramics and building material, etc. Many corresponding digital inkjet printing products were introduced, leading digital inkjet printing into wide application industries era. After years of development, digital inkjet printing has displayed unique advantages and great marketing potential. In the world full of colors, as a tool to deliver colorfulness and beautifulness, digital inkjet printing has ample scope to perform. More eco friendly consumables, higher speed and higher resolution machineries are to be expected! The future is clean, green, and is full of hope! Fei Yeung Union is wiling to work with every partner for a better future!
Contact information
  • 地址: 上海市奉贤区西渡港和路19弄2号
  • Address: No. 2, Lane 19, Xidu Ganghe Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai
  • 电话/TEL: 021-67158920-21
  • 传真/FAX:
  • 邮箱/E-mail: 2303204262@qq.com
  • 官网/Web: www.fyunion.com
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