

2024年3月26日-3月29日 上海新国际博览中心
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公司简介(Company Information)
Company profile
我们是一家专业的中国火花塞制造商、供应商和工厂,在多个产品领域拥有丰富的产品线,并不断提升工程技术和制造能力,具备30年的开发和逆向工程经验,为产品的研发和创新提供了保障。电极通过TUV、RoHs和Reach认证,高强度绝缘体采用360度激光焊接技术,提高了产品的电气性能和稳定性。 在制造实力方面,公司还拥有一家陶瓷厂,陶瓷绝缘体自主生产,绝缘体密度高,介电强度更好,绝缘体鼻部加厚设计,机械强度更高,充分满足现代发动机的要求;电极有更超强导电性、耐热性、散热性和抗烧蚀性;壳体具有更好的延展性、韧性和硬度,这可以减少壳体破裂,并有助于壳体更好地散热。 在试验能力方面,我们的实验室符合并严格执行17项国内外火花塞行业试验标准,企业内控标准中原配套级型式试验超过34项,过程检验覆盖全过程控制点,并已获得质量管理体系认证。 公司为部分火花塞获得外观设计专利证书、实用新型专利证书,提供汽车、船舶、摩托车、割草机、飞机等行业的OEM定制火花塞解决方案。
We are a professional China spark plug manufacturer and Spark Plugs supplier & factory which has a variety of product lines for Spark Plugs manufacturing, engineering and technical capabilities and manufacturing capabilities are in constant progress. In terms of engineering skills, I have 30 years of development and reverse engineering experience. The electrode has PASS TUV, CONFORM TO RoHs & Reach. High-strength insulators use a 360°Continuous Laser technology. In manufacturing, it also has a ceramic factory, ceramic Insulators are completely self-produced, with a high density of insulators, better dielectric strength, thickened design of insulator nose, and better mechanical strength which can satisfy modern engines well. Secondly, electrodes have better electrical conductivity, heat resistance, heat dissipation, and ablation resistance. Shells have better malleability, better toughness, and higher hardness which can reduce shell breaking and help the shell for better heat dissipation. In terms of experimental capacity, the laboratory fully complies with and strictly implements 17 international and national spark plug industry test standards; enterprise internal control standards of more than 34 original supporting level type tests; and process inspection coverage of the whole process of control points. Quality management has obtained the quality management system certification. Company for some spark plugs and design patent certificate, utility model patent certificate. We custom OEM Spark Plugs For automotive, Marine, Motorcycle, Lawn Mower, aircraft other industries.
Contact information
  • 地址: 浙江省 宁波市慈溪市横河镇彭民支路228号
  • Address: Number 228 Pengmin Branch Road Pengqiao Village Henghe TownCixi City Ningbo City Zhejiang Province
  • 电话/TEL: +86-574-63834016
  • 传真/FAX: +86-574-63834090
  • 邮箱/E-mail: info@ms-marshal.com
  • 官网/Web: www.ms-marshal.com
Company products